Blue Waves
Corner slanted ribbon flag of Israel

Providing effective community rehabilitation and preventing deterioration

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Establishing The National Family Crisis Support System

Blue Waves

On October 7th 2023, hundreds of thousands of Israeli families underwent a fundamental crisis.

Bereaved families, families of the hostages, families of the wounded, and tens of thousands of other Israeli families experienced the attack as a life changing traumatic event. Many even had to evacuate their homes and move to other temporary locations.

As the war broke out, the Israeli spirit, with all its inner strength, rallied to support the war effort.

In a most unusual and inspiring way, Israelis from all sectors, beliefs and economic backgrounds volunteered and offered help.

At the same time, the situation created a few enormous challenges:

Overload of


and help

Matching volunteers and needs

Rapid erosion of volunteer forces


within the governmental bureaucracy

:Now, more than ever – the solution

Establishing a National Support System for Families in Crisis

A system whose goal is to prevent families from becoming dependent on welfare.

Instead we’ll enable their rehabilitation by the community, using the technology.

In this system, family caregivers routinely assist the family with:

Mapping and prioritizing the family's needs

Utilizing government resources and rights

Ongoing connection to the community

At any given moment, the technology makes it possible to create a reliable picture of needs and to address them.

This is the Enola* App

*The opposite of Alone

Over the past few weeks we have established pilots of family support systems in 3 locations:


We trained the first volunteer team which will accompany refugee families staying in Jerusalem hotels.


In collaboration with the municipality, we hired a social worker who provides accompaniment and support to surviving family members.


We trained volunteers for family support, volunteers who work with local social services and other organizations.

By conducting these pilots, we will be able to create a national support system in collaboration with governmental and philanthropic organizations.

About Us:


Yad Tamar is a non-for-profit organization specializing in community support for family in crises.

Our specialization is based on experience with life disrupting medical crises like cancer, for which, during its years of activity, Yad Tamar created supportive infrastructures in

eighty communities and municipalities and helped thousands of families.

Once the Iron Swords war erupted, we were asked to modify and fit our model to the current situation.


A specialized app for supporting families in crisis.

Enola helps mapping out the needs, creating circles of help within the community

thus enhancing the ability of municipalities and non-for-profit organizations to create an effective support system, based on data and methodology.

ENOLA won the "Medina Le'Mofet" (Accelerate Israel) competition, where it was chosen, alongside two other initiatives, as the most innovative in the field of resilience and community, and was recognized and supported by the Joint and the National Insurance funds.

Let’s do this. Now more than ever.

Israel Flag in a Heart Outline

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